Wednesday, March 6, 2013

You win some, you lose some...

I'm trying my first link up from Stephanie at her blog, Beautiful Mess. She talked about making "Guacamole Salsa." I can't wait to try it!  I'm also linking up with Katie at Keep Calm and Carry On. She did a cute DIY Acrylic Tray. 

 If you know me in real life, you know I'm a fanatic over Pinterest. I'm always pinning, obsessively to say the least. I've reorganized my boards lately and it's the best thing ever. I've sorted the school items out into categories as well as the cooking items. I'm so proud of my Type A OCD skills taking shape with my Pinterest addiction.

Part of the fun is coming up with new ideas to try in the kitchen. I'll tell you about two I've done recently, one was a smashing success and the other one was a miserable attempt at a burger.

First up, the
Chicken Alfredo Roll Ups, which were the smashing hit. Easy as pie, cute as a button, and Chris said he loved them and to add them to our list of dinners! I took a shortcut and used a jar of alfredo sauce, but I think I want to make my own sauce next time. I'm just now beginning to love being in the kitchen.

The other one, which apparently considers itself to be the Best Burger Recipe Ever, was a miserable fail in my book. I'm not sure if I didn't use enough meat, or too much barbecue sauce or what. Needless to say, they fell apart on the grill and Chris offered to take me to Panera. Of course I happily obliged! 

So, I'm always pinning new ideas and wanting to try new things. I don't know what I'll do next. The opportunities are endless!

1 comment:

  1. The roll ups look amazing. I want to try them as well.
