Friday, March 22, 2013

I Heart The Hungry Caterpillar...

Linking up from Kelly's Korner.... 

Here is the Pinterest Pin that I pinned of my: 

Step 1: Peruse your favorite paint chips and pick out a variety of primary colors. 

 Step 2: Punch out circles with "punchers" or whatever you call them.... Be forewarned, the paint chips are pretty thick, so this is a tad hard to do. My first one wasn't strong enough. I had to get the big girl puncher out. 

Step 3: Figure out what puncher works and go to town making circles of all sorts of colors.

 Step 4: First wrap your present in plain colored paper. I chose red. You could do whatever. Use double sided tape to stick circles down to make the ground. I like two rows, some bigger circles and some smaller circles. 

Step 5: Use the double sided tape and stick down the caterpillar pieces. I used different shades of green. 
Step 6: Draw a face, and since we started with plain red paper, it was easy to just draw the face. If you had white paper you could use red circles for the face, and if it's a large enough package you could even make a sun in the corner. 

And finally, here's my collage to show you the steps all in one picture! 
It was fun and I loved it. 

If you do this project, come back and link to it in my comments.
 I'd love to see how others make this work for them! 

Happy Pinteresting...

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