Friday, March 22, 2013

Confession: Pinterest Addiction

Woo Hoo, It's Friday! Oh....wait, it's the last day of my Spring Break.... 
Nevermind that excited for Friday business! 

I'm linking up for two things today.

First up, it's Friday Confessional with A Blonde Ambition

1. I confess that I woke up at a decent time today in order to get back on the regular schedule. It wasn't my favorite thing, but I've been super productive. 
2. I confess that I have had a wonderful Spring Break. I didn't need to go on any fancy trip, explore far off places, or fly away for a journey....instead I've enjoyed it in my own backyard. I've had a Spring Break bucket list and I'm almost through with everything on it. 
3. About that bucket list, I confess that I even put cleaning and organizing on it. Laundry too, would you believe it? 
4. I confess I'm quite giddy about this project my mom and I are doing for my sweet nephew, Andrew's 5th birthday. He asked for a book cake, and then mentioned the Hungry Caterpillar. Where else would a girl go than to none other than the world's greatest Pinterest? 
5. I confess, I'm about to start telling you about my next link up.... :) 

 Next, I'm linking up with Kelly at Kelly's Korner, which is Show Us Your Life: Favorite Pinterest Ideas!

So, I'm linking up with my current project that I'm doing exactly this minute. See, my cupcakes are baking. I've made chocolate and white. I've got all the ingredients for frosting, cute little graham sticks for the antennae, and Spree for the colorful ground. I can't WAIT to make this with my mom.

These are my two inspiration pieces. I can't wait to tell you all about it. Follow my blog and I'm sure to post the final product! :) The party is Sunday and mom is coming over tomorrow to help put it together! Wish us luck!

Pinterest Inspiration #1 

Pinterest Inspiration #2

And about Pinterest...I'm quite addicted. I've found it as a great tool to organize recipes, crafts, and most of all new teaching ideas! I spent one Sunday morning, for about three hours, repinning and organizing my Boards. They make me all sorts of happy. So, feel free to follow me. You can find me here. I'm still learning how to use it and such. I have my favorite people I follow, and I love it when I see something I pinned repinned. It's sort of nerdy, I suppose. Oh, and now that timer is going off. Gotta get the chocolate cupcakes out and put the miniature ones in next....  

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